Fr. Eng. Anthony Matovu blessing the S.6 students of Forest Hill College Mukono.

Forest Hill College Mukono Pays Tribute to Founder Thecla Kinalwa

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Fr. Matovu asked the students to always meditate about Thecla Kinalwa’s good deeds, desire to be hardworking and relentless as she was.

The students, teachers, parents and the family members have paid tribute to the late Thecla Kinalwa who among the many portfolios she held in the government, she once served as the State House Comptroller during 1997 to 2003.

The late Thecla Kinalwa, the foundress of Forest Hill College Mukono.

Henry Kinalwa, the son to Thecla said that since her death on November 4, 2014, they annually celebrate Thecla Kinalwa day, using it to commemorate her for the good things she committedly did for the good of her country.

Henry Kinalwa, the son to the late Thecla Kinalwa speaking.

Kinalwa said that despite the toughness and strictness of her mother, she was so kind to everyone and also very hardworking in that she left behind an outstanding legacy.

Rev. Fr. Eng. Anthony Matovu who led the mass said that it’s worthwhile to celebrate people of the stature of Thecla Kinalwa, who served for over 40 years as a civil servant without any tainted record, not even corruption.

“As religious readers, we sometimes suffer to gather good things to speak about some people during such functions and burial services. You end up making general statements, but for Thecla, her legacy speaks so much about her,” Fr. Matovu said.

Some of the relatives to the late Thecla Kinalwa, the foundress of Forest Hill College Mukono who attended the function.

The function was on Saturday held at Forest Hill College Mukono, located at Mbalala in Nama sub-county, Mukono district. Forest Hill College was co-founded by the late Kinalwa and Christine Guwatudde Kintu in 2009.

Fr. Matovu asked the students to always meditate about Thecla’s good deeds, desire to be hardworking and relentless as she was.

The alter servers during the mass.

He asked the Senior Six students who are sitting for their UNEB exams next week to avoid spotting while doing their final reading saying that is a bad habit which leads to failure.

“Always avoid spotting, it’s always good to read in general and understand everything which was taught to you. It embarrasses to go in the paper and find when what you spent most of your time reading did not appear. Use these last days profitably,” he said.

He also cautioned them to avoid misbehaving at the last days or hours thinking they are done with school.

Fr. Matovu serving the Christians with Holy Communion.

He added: “You may commit an offence at school because you have finished your UNEB papers. Some of you think finishing Senior Six exams; you no longer have business with a secondary school, that’s wrong mentality. An error you commit today may ruin your entire future; not only at school, but also during your vacation, you must remain calm and peaceful.” Fr. Matovu blessed and committed to Lord the Senior Six candidates.

Some of the Senior Six students waiting for Fr. Matovu’s blessings.

He warned them that for years, many children have lost their lives during vacations hence asking them to behave responsibly.

The school headteacher, Kirumira Ssebunya said they have prepared 120 students who are very ready for the papers. Kirumira asked the parents to avoid stressing their children but to only give them strength and courage.

The headteacher, Kirumira Ssebunya and his deputy during the mass.

“I am thankful to God that the late Thecla got the idea of starting Forest Hill College Mukono, a school which have educated thousands of students and also employed many. At least we have managed to keep the school very conducive, with very good learning environment and with very good teachers who have for over time taught and made our students pass with flying colours,” he said.

Some of the continuing students who attended the mass.

Claudia Faith Lamona, a Senior Six student said the few years she has spent at Forest Hill College Mukono will always be remembered having had the best environment each learner would think about.

Senior Six students during their blessing.

“For sure I am very confident that as we witnessed our colleagues passing with flying colours, we are also ready to be celebrated after scoring our desired maximum points,” Claudia said.

The school administration block which also bears some classrooms, computer and science laboratories.

Godwin Otim, a Senior Six candidate also said they have got whatever they needed from the school and that they are just waiting for the day to start proving what they got for the two years of A level.

Some of the old students posing for a group photo.

“Forest Hill College Mukono has also groomed us to be leaders, myself I have been the school Head Prefect. For more than ten years the school has been in place, we have got leaders like Members of Parliament, prominent lawyers, businessmen, engineers and many other professionals, I am confident that our breed is also going out to join our colleagues after passing with flying colours,” he said.

The school headteacher, Kirumira Ssebunya flanked by his teachers as he addressed the congregation.

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