Police Arrests District Chairman for Raping Student

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The Police in Mbarara are holding a district chairman who allegedly raped a 29-year-old student. Fred Enanga, the Police spokesperson has identified the suspect as Atuhire Adison the Kiruhura District vice chairperson. 

Enanga says Atuhire, who was in company of his colleagues on August 29, 2023 when they were in Mbarara City in Rwentondo Ward where they approached the unidentified girl to direct them where Golden Leaf Bar was located.

“In the process of interacting with the girl, they managed to get her phone contact which the ill-minded district vice chairperson used to call the girl last week for an outing in Kakoba Kyaptoni Cell where she was seduced with several goodies only to be raped on their way back to town,”  Enanga narrated during the Monday weekly Police briefing.

Enanga added that Atuhire is now under custody of Police pending prosecution when investigations are completed. But he castigated the evil acts from a prominent leader who would rather be a role model to the young people.

In a related development, Police in Busoga East, Bugweri district are holding a 21-year-old Namuli Halimah for allegedly conniving with two Security guards known as Okwaja Alex and Okatek Samuel who ate the suspected drugged food stuffs and drinks which made them unconscious leading to the theft of unspecified amounts of money from Bugande SACCO Idudi Bugweri district branch.

Enanga said that Police is now picking interest in making thorough investigations in this matter after the same instance happened in Gomb-Kanoni at a Pepsi Soda depot where millions of money were also stolen under similar circumstances.

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