Sad! Sub-County Chairperson Shot Dead

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Karamojong armed warriors have shot dead the Kotido sub-county chairperson in Kotido district.

Mario Lotyang Lokaino, a resident of Kethimer village was shot dead on Saturday at around 8:00 pm in Lokitelebu trading center by the armed warriors.

This comes when the sub-region is currently experiencing relative peace after the series of security operations against criminal elements and the security peace dialogues.

Michael Longole, the Mt Moroto Regional Police Spokesperson confirmed the incident stating that the forces responded but the criminals had fled the scene.

Longole said that the motive behind the attack is yet to be known and the hunt for the criminals has intensified.

He said that the team of joint intelligence officers, and the internal security officers are on the ground to establish the leads about the criminals behind the gruesome murder.

“We shall give updates on the progress of the investigations later,” Longole said.

This murder brings the total number of local leaders killed to five in the Kotido district between 2022 and 2024.

In April 2022, the vice chairperson of Napumpum sub-county, Longole Aped was also shot dead as he was allegedly leading a team of armed warriors to raid cattle. After one month, his boss Paul Lowok was also shot dead by the armed warriors. In July, the warriors shot dead Daniel Akom, the speaker of the Kapeta sub-county.

In July 2023, the warriors also shot dead Moses Lomuria, the Longaroe sub-county chairperson, and three security officers. The four met their death in the Narubela trading center at around 3:000pm.

The armed warriors have been targeting the local leaders accusing them of leaking information about their movement and cattle raid missions to the security forces.

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