Four Catholic Priests Indefinitely Suspended!

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Lira Catholic Diocese has indefinitely suspended four priests.  They are Fr. John Bosco Ojede, Fr. Joel Omeja, Fr. Moses Otom, and Fr. Alfred Okello Junior who were serving in different parishes in the diocese. 

Their suspension was announced on Thursday by Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Opio, the Diocesan Chancellor during the ordination ceremony held at Lira Cathedral Ordination Ground.

Without divulging more details, the chancellor said the priests were stripped of their powers of order and governance with immediate effect, but asked Christians to continue praying for them.

The canon law stipulates that a cleric can only be suspended if he has been found guilty of committing a crime.

The chancellor also announced the transfer of several priests within the diocese.

They include Fr. Deogracious Odwee from Aloi to Teboke Parish, Fr. Carlos Ojuka from Teboke to Aduku as curate, Fr. Douglas Owera from Minakulu to Alanyi Parish and Fr Caesar Okello from Anyeke to Amolatr parish, among others.

Earlier in the day, Bishop Sanctus Lino Wanok, ordained four priests; Fr. Isaac Ojok from the Missionary Congregation of the Camillians, Fr. Haron Ojok and Fr. Moses Opio from Uganda Martyrs Parish Minakulu, and Fr. Brian Ekwaro from the Spiritan Congregation originally from Christ the King Teboke Parish.

The Bishop urged priests to be obedient and accountable to their superiors, emphasizing the symbolic importance of the ordination, describing it as an opportunity to emerge from the darkness of suffering into the light.

He encouraged priests to abandon past traditional desires and dedicate themselves fully to preaching the gospel.

“Execute your pastoral work every day with happiness and love. Do not pursue your desires because other people abandon their pastoral work or execute it hurriedly because they want to supervise their house construction project…This is not the behavior of a servant of God so do not do that. Beware that you share the work of God with your supervisor, serve together with him under his guidance.”

The newly ordained priests will continue their service in the parishes where they previously served as deacons, bringing fresh zeal and dedication to their new roles as priests.

Imat Filda Opio, whose son (Fr. Isaac Ojok) is among those ordained expressed her joy and gratitude for her son’s calling saying she will sleep soundly at night.

The post Four Catholic Priests Indefinitely Suspended! appeared first on Kyaggwe TV.

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