Former President Idi Amin’s Son Accuses Tamale Mirundi of Trading Falsehoods About his Late Mother’s Murder 

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Amin Lumumba, son of the former President of Uganda, Late Idi Amin Dada.


Dear Mr. Tamale Mirundi, former presidential press secretary..

I kindly request you to leave my late mother, First Lady Kay Adroa Amin, out of your drunken stupor public antics in the media as I have just seen on social media.
If you want to know anything about her life and legacy, feel free to ask me. You have my number.

My beloved mother was brutally murdered on 12th August 1974 at her flat next to Nakivubo Channel, near the former Kisekka market. The people who murdered her are still here today, and we know each other. My mothers housemaid, Martha, was the only eyewitness of the murder. She is also still alive today and saw the four assailants heinously murdering my mother at home. Therefore, I find it quite boisterous for you to just go on a public forum and smear my late mothers name and memory, stating that she was a “malaya”. You are going to have to show me where you slept with her as a prostitute.

As I have publicly written before on social media, on the fateful day when she was brutally murdered, my late mother called her younger brother, an army officer, stating that there were some strange characters looking as of they were trying to secretly access the building. By the time Captain John Adroa arrived at the premises, there was blood all over the staircase as he climbed up to the flat, but also blood in the living room.

But she had been taken by the four abduction terrorists.
In regards to Dr. Mbalu Mukasa, my late mothers dead body was simply dumped at the entrance of his clinic by the murderers. The doctor only realized who it was the following day after hearing news about the mysterious dissappearance of the First Lady and then checking the deceased person to see if it was her.

The doctor then panicked, and tried to pack the body in the boot of his vehicle so as to go and dispose of it in an obscure location. But then he remembered that his assistant had already reported a deceased person to police as was the procedure for sll pr8vate clinics when there was a deceased patient, and the police were coming to pick the body.

In fear of what could happen if he is suspected of killing the First Lady of President Idi Amin, Dr. Mukasa decided to take his own life by poisoning, along with his family. Thank God his wife and children were rushed to hospital in time and survived, but not him.
I believe his widow is also still alive today.

These details of the events at the clinic were narrated to police by the doctors assistant who was the one who picked my mothers body from the entrance into the clinic.

I have written this publicly before, including in an effort to reach the widow of Dr. Mukasa. She has had to live with a double broken heart. First the death of her husband, then the pain from a completely fake story that her husband was secretly being unfaithful to their marriage.

A story that was made up by the terrorists so as to blurr any trail to themselves. But they forgot Martha, the eyewitness of the murder. These are the same people beind the abduction and dissappearance of Chief Justice Ben Kiwanuka, Makerere University Vice Chancellor Frank Kalimuzo, Bank of Uganda governor Joseph Mubiru, Former Minister William Kalema, UN Ambassador Basil Bataringaya, Jinja Mayor Hajji Kasigwa and several other elites who were mysteriously dissappeared between 1972 and 1974, never to be seen alive again.

I have written extensively about their dissappearances and some of the evidence behind it. Especially the abduction Volkswagen UUU 171 in the Ben Kiwanuka case that Museveni was found driving. So please have some respect for the doctors wife rather than spreading malicious lies against their young marriage, and also against her children’s memory of the father they remember.
As for me, I kindly again request that you leave my late mother to rest in peace.
Thank you!

Signed: Mr. Lumumba Amin
Son of His Excellency Field Marshal Idi Amin Dada (May the Almighty rest his soul eternally in heaven)
Kampala 🇺🇬 Uganda.

The post Former President Idi Amin’s Son Accuses Tamale Mirundi of Trading Falsehoods About his Late Mother’s Murder  appeared first on Kyaggwe TV.

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