District Police Boss-RDC Romance Compromising District Security

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By Insight Post Uganda

Rakai, Uganda

The romantic relationship between Rakai District Police Commander (DPC) Justus Tashobya and Rakai Resident District Commissioner (RDC) Sarah Kiyimba has provoked diverse responses from the residents and the public.

Concerns have been raised that their romantic relationship could potentially jeopardise the security of the district given the nature of their roles.

RDC Kiyemba (second left) peeping his fiancée, DPC Tasyobya after his promotion.

However, a segment of the residents is advocating for the couple to step down from their current influential positions, contending that their romance may compromise the objectivity and effectiveness required to ensure the safety and well-being of the district.

The alleged romance has given rise to concerns among security officers, creating divisions and uncertainties within the district.

The love affair reportedly began in mid-2022 when both Tashobya and Kiyimba were deployed to Rakai. Sources suggest that their relationship, initially secret, became public knowledge during a peeping ceremony in Kampala, where Tashobya was promoted to the rank of Assistant Commissioner of Police.

The peeping ceremony is typically conducted by a person’s spouse or parents as a symbolic gesture to convey congratulations for achieving a promotion. This time, Tashobya invited Kiyimba who performed the ceremony.

The revelation of their relationship has led to heightened tensions among members of the security committee and residents who depend on their services. The situation is causing serious divisions among security officers, affecting their ability to work cohesively.

Sources within the security circles told us that what they thought was just infatuation later became serious and so intimate. They expressed concern about the potential manipulation of security matters due to their romance.

Another source highlighted the impact on critical issues such as land matters, asserting that the security situation in Rakai urgently needs intervention, suggesting either the transfer or demotion of one of the individuals involved for the greater good of the community.

According to the National Security Council Act of 2000, under section 6, the District Security and Intelligence Committees are chaired by the RDC.

While the military and police handle security matters at the operational level, the RDC serves as the overall supervisor, political coordinator, and mobiliser of the security players in the district.

The alleged romantic involvement between the DPC and RDC has raised questions about the potential conflict of interest and compromised decision-making in security-related issues.

Some of the key implications include;

According to political and security analysts, the intimate relationship between the head of the police force (DPC) and a senior government official (RDC) raises concerns about potential conflicts of interest. This could compromise their ability to make unbiased decisions in matters related to law enforcement and public security.

The acknowledged romance between the DPC and RDC has reportedly led to tensions and divisions among the security team. Such internal conflicts can hinder effective collaboration, communication, and coordination among security officers, potentially weakening their ability to address security challenges in the district.

The two lovebirds DPC Tashobya and RDC Kiyimba in one of their best intimate moments.

Secondly, the personal relationship between key figures in the security apparatus may impact decision-making processes. There is a risk that decisions related to security matters, including law enforcement priorities and resource allocation, could be influenced by personal considerations rather than objective assessments of public safety needs.

The public may perceive the romantic involvement of key security officials as a breach of trust. The community relies on law enforcement and government officials to maintain public order and safety. If there are concerns about the impartiality and integrity of these officials, it can erode public trust in the security apparatus, making it more challenging for residents to cooperate with law enforcement efforts.

Another implication is the anonymous security officer mentioned concerns about potential manipulation of security matters due to the close relationship between the DPC and RDC. This suggests that decisions and actions taken by the security apparatus might be influenced by personal dynamics rather than a commitment to the safety and well-being of the community.

The reported leadership conflicts within Rakai District, especially involving RDC Sarah Kiyimba and her deputy RDCs, may further aggravate challenges within the security apparatus. Leadership conflicts can hinder the development and implementation of cohesive strategies to address security concerns in the district.

The anonymous security officer suggested that urgent intervention is needed, such as the transfer or demotion of one of the individuals involved. This indicates recognition within the security community of the potential negative impact of the romantic relationship on public security and a desire for corrective measures.

Who is Sarah Kiyimba 

Sarah Kiyimba, is a daughter to Hajjat Sarah Nabukalu Kiyimba, the proprietor of Hotel Brovad. She gained popularity during the 2021 elections when she contested for the Nyendo-Mukungwe constituency seat under the NRM ticket.

Despite her enticing promises, she faced defeat at the hands of the former Leader of Opposition in Parliament, Mathias Mpuuga Nsamba.

Kiyimba has also faced criticism from her Deputy RDCs for alleged misconduct, including openly smoking marijuana and shisha in bars.

Some suggest she exhibits a consistent lack of harmony. The internal leadership dispute in the district sparks worries regarding the efficiency and unity of the security apparatus, prompting authorities to promptly resolve the situation for the welfare of Rakai residents and the preservation of the integrity of security operations.



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