Bishop Tasks Christians to Protect Church Land from Encroachers

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The bishop of Mukono diocese, Enos Kitto Kagodo is overwhelmed by the rampant church land grabbing in his diocese.

Bp. Kagodo however says his efforts to seek government’s intervention have been fruitless even though they hosted the Minister for Lands, Housing and Urban Development, Judith Nabakooba three times they reported the leading land grabbing cases to her. The Minister also visited the affected areas and interfaced with the church clergy and the locals including the culprits.

The bishop says the directives Nabakooba gave were not adhered to right from police and the perpetrators!

He has therefore asked Christians to rise up and protect the Church land from the rampant land grabbers whom he says have blocked development alongside threatening the security of different church servants who are taking charge of the land in question.

He made the remarks while addressing the media as he gave Christmas message on Wednesday from his office at the diocesan offices.

Bp. Kagodo says the diocese is marred in a number of land grabbing cases where most of the church land has been encroached on by people who have proved to be untouchables.
Citing incidences at Kisowera parish in Nama sub-county and Nakanyonyi parish in Nakifuma-Naggalama Town Council, Bp. Kagodo said most of the church land is currently encroached on and the efforts to seek help from government and its security arms is futile.

“We have received the Minister for Lands, Housing and Urban Development, Judith Nabakooba three times, unfortunately, her intervention has not been of any help because her directives has always been ignored,” the bishop said.

Kagodo also regrets Police’s failure to protect the church from the land grabbers while at the land under contention saying they (Police) always tell them that they do not have enough man power.

“We asked for man power as we went to fence off our land which is being grabbed by encroachers at Kisowera but Police told us they lacked enough man power. They therefore gave us only four policemen,” said the bishop, adding:

“When the encroachers attacked our group with pangers and sticks, the policemen fired some bullets and later asked them to run away. From then, the encroachers have mounted buildings on our land. Unfortunately, it is also difficult for the parish priest to harvest food which he grew on the same land.”

The bishop asked President Museveni to intervene saying the Christians are also fed up and want to confront the land grabbers which may not end up well.
He has also condemned the rampant murders and domestic violence which has eaten up the country, asking people to repent as they get ready for the birth of Jesus Christ.

Bp. Kagodo has also challenged parents who have prioritized making money to parenting saying some of those have reached an extent of abandoning their children in the hands of housemaids which is unfortunate.
“However much money you may accumulate without children who are not brought up well, such wealth will be dangerous. Such children have turned up against their parents, reaching an extent of taking their lives in favour of their wealth,” he said.

The bishop started the day by rewarding some of the top listeners of the church radio station (Mukono Broad Casting Services) with goodies that included matooke, bread, sodas and spices.

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