Top Class pupils of Cornerstone Junior School Mukono cutting a cake at their graduation as they will be joining Primary One next year.

Cornerstone Junior School’s Magnificent Legacy Campus Excites Parents

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At 18 years of existence in the education sector, Cornerstone Junior School in Mukono Municipality has for a number of years emerged number one. Not only via the academic field more so when it comes to teaching and have their pupils pass with flying colours; registering distinctions when the Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) releases the Primary Leaving Examination (PLE) results, but also producing an all-round learner whose hidden skills through the co-curricular activities are also unleashed. 

Henry Kimbugwe, the inspector of schools in Mukono district praises Cornerstone for its extra added efforts when it comes to co-curricular activities, something most first schools abandon focusing only on classwork.

Year in year out, Cornerstone Junior School has its pupils take part in sports activities and also Music, Dance and Drama.

The school headmistress, Immaculate Mawanda says by sparing time for the children to play different games in sports and have their skills in MDD discovered and nurtured, it makes the learners even more intelligent.

“’Work without play made Jack a dull boy’, we don’t want to produce dull products. I am thankful to our parents who have always supported us in making these things possible,” Mawanda says.

For some years back, school critics used to say the school, however much it was performing well, its main campus in Mukono Central Division at Kitete cell was smaller for the over increasing pupils’ enrolment.

The directors, Prof. John and Dr. Faith Muyonga did not take the critics lightly, they introduced a new campus, a few meters away from the main campus and it put emphasis on the lower section.

However, as time went on, more parents who were seeing how Cornerstone was progressing academically kept on entrusting their children with the school. For a few years that went by, the two campuses also proved to be small compared to the number of children.

Because the Muyonga’s are called to serve the nation via the education sector, they sought wise to look for another place which would be more conducive for the children’s learning.

That was none other than the Kabembe campus, cord named; Cornerstone Junior School Legacy Campus. Seated on a very big acreage of land which is enough for the children’s activities in a school including playing, it provides space for the playground and other school activities.

The people around Namirembe village on Mukono-Kayunga road in Kyampisi sub-county, Mukono district where the Legacy campus is located had a number of theories when they saw the magnificent buildings being put up.

At least Kimbugwe, the inspector of schools testified saying; he also thought the buildings were to host an international hospital.

“To be sincere, I would not believe these buildings were for a school. But I am grateful the directors decided to extend the Cornerstone family as far as this side,” he said.

Kimbugwe was addressing the parents during the Cornerstone Junior School Legacy Campus Open Day which was held on Saturday. The open day hosted the two campuses having children showcase their talents in the MDD.  The function also doubled as the end of year Christmas festival as the pupils presented a number of Christmas presentations.

Among other presentations were; skits, poems, songs including original compositions and folk songs, dances, among others. Teachers too did not leave the function to the pupils as they closed the day with a presentation.

Though many parents were hesitant when it came to shifting from the Mukono Campus to Legacy, after visiting the campus and realised that it was very good, more so when it comes to the boarding section.

“This campus is so good for the learning of our children given the fact that it is in a quiet environment though on a main road. Though it accommodates a bigger land, it is all enclosed, making the children safe with the security team which is available all the time,” complimented one of the parents.

Saul Waigolo, one of the parents, showed his gratitude given the fact that he saw where Cornerstone started from way back in 2005.

“When I come to witness the Legacy Campus which started at the beginning of the year, presenting these performances, I can’t fail to glorify the Lord our God. We pray for his providence and protection,” Waigolo said.

But the headteacher Legacy Campus, Jacqueline Nakagezi said they have both day and boarding sections, currently registering learners in the infant section and Primary Section going up to Primary Five.

Among the busy day’s activities was the graduation ceremony of the Top Class pupils who have seen themselves join the Primary Section come the beginning of next year.

According to the headteacher, Mrs Mawanda, the both Mukono and Legacy campuses presented a total of 191 Top Class candidates.

George Wilson Kateregga, the Post Bank Mukono Branch manager who has been a parent at Cornerstone for the last nine years said her daughter has grown into a responsible person from this school where she started from until now when she is in Primary Five.

The guest of honour, Kimbugwe, the school inspector advised the parents to endeavour to keep their children busy during the holidays.

“Avoid keeping the children idle. Also monitor what they watch on TVs and on mobile phones. Always mind about the WhatsApp groups your child is in, be those ones for schools or for the local community peers,” he said.







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