New Hangover Curing Product Excites Ugandans 

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“Alcohol-related hangovers reduce productivity at work by up to 40% as about 10 million Ugandans consume alcohol,” Dr Musenero explained.

A man who invented a viable product dubbed Pombeguard to cure hangovers has been revealed.

Ronald Kalyango was unveiled to the guests by the minister of science and technology, Dr Monica Musenero during a science week dinner held at Kampala Serena Hotel on Saturday evening.

Minister Musenero chatting with Ronald Kalyango, the manufacturer of Pombeguard.
(Photo by New Vision)

Dr Musenero displayed the Pombeguard ‘product’ to the excitement of guests who included investors, scientists, and top government officials, among others.

“It’s going to be a global hit. We need a factory,” Dr Monica told guests.

The dinner was organized by the Ministry of Science, technology and Innovation, Office of the President before the national science week that is starting on Monday for six days at Kololo Independence Grounds.

The minister explained that the pombeguard is at prototype level saying the process may run many cycles before getting a desirable output.

Kalyango who wore a beaming smile was asked to greet the guests and only uttered the words “Pombeguard is anti-hangover meant to cure a hangover.”

Kalyango will speak more about his pombe- guard innovation when the science week opens on Monday.

According to the official knowledgeable about pombeguard who declined to be quoted, as he is not the authorized official spokesperson the product when certified will increase the productivity of Ugandans who have been hindered by hangovers because of too much alcohol consumption.

The pombeguard when taken will digest the enzymes that cause hangover and the body will excrete them.

“Alcohol-related hangovers reduce productivity at work by up to 40% as about 10 million Ugandans consume alcohol,” Dr Musenero explained.

She said in the contemporary world, it has become increasingly impossible to divorce the realms of Science, Technology, and Innovation from national economic development.

She said globally, strong economies have realigned their priorities to adapt to the ever-evolving landscape and Uganda cannot afford to remain a passive observer as global initiatives, primarily driven by our counterparts in the fields of science-led transformation, shape the future that will determine the country’s survival.

“Therefore, it is our collective duty as a nation to seize these ground-breaking opportunities and align ourselves with global developments,” she said.

This year’s National Science Week 2023 is anchored on the theme, “Uganda Tusimbudde: Our Science-led Journey towards Socio-economic Transformation.”

She explained that the National Science Week is designed around eight thematic areas including, import substitution, aeronautics and space, mobility, pathogen economy, infrastructure innovation, productivity acceleration, and industry.

During the dinner, other innovators were unveiled including Kiira Motors, Zembo the producers of electric motorcycles, shoe brush and toothbrush makers as well as hair for women producers.

…Story by New Vision… 

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